Source code for watch_do.doers.doer

"""The :class:`.Doer` base class is responsible for providing the high level
interface to a doer, the actual functionality is left to the derived class.

The doers are typically created and managed by an instance of a
:class:`.DoerManager` class.

.. warning::
   This class cannot be instantiated directly, it is an abstract base class.
   Only derived classes that inherit from this class and implement
   :meth:`run` can be instantiated.

from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod

[docs]class Doer(metaclass=ABCMeta): """This is the base :class:`.Doer` that all other doers should inherit from. A command is passed in that will determine the action that should be performed. """ def __init__(self, command): """Initialise the :class:`.Doer`. Parameters: command (str): The command that details what action should be performed. """ self._command = command @property def command(self): """Get the command this doer is performing. """ return self._command @staticmethod
[docs] def _interpolate_file_name(string, file_name): """Interpolate the ``file_name`` into a given ``string``. The ``string`` parameter will be searched for ``%f`` and replaced with ``file_name``. Any escaped ``%f``'s will be unescaped and ignored (i.e. ``\\%f`` becomes ``%f``). Parameters: string (str): The string to interpolate the ``file_name`` into. file_name (str): The file name to insert into the ``string``. Returns: str: The input string with file name interpolated. """ token = '%f' position = 0 while True: token_position = string.find(token, position) # Token not found, nothing to do if token_position == -1: break # Escaped token, ignore it and move on elif string[token_position-1] == '\\': string = string[:token_position-1] + string[token_position:] position = token_position + len(token) # Actual token, replace with the file name else: string = ( string[:token_position] + file_name + string[token_position + len(token):] ) position = token_position + len(file_name) return string
[docs] def run(self, file_name): """Run the doer against a specific file. This method runs the command passed into the constructor against a specific file. Parameters: file_name (str): The file name to run this doer against. Yields: str: A string containing the output (possibly the partial output) of the command, both stdout and stderr. """